In this game, it’s the way to create arteries of your city going underground and not interrupting your road traffic. In real life, the metro is expensive and can’t be built on some type of ground. It’s unlocked pretty early in the game.It’s even cheaper than railway stations.It’s underground, only a small station entrance needs space.Now that’s the Cities Skylines best public transport option. I have a new detailed guide on metro here. Usually, my tram route is a pretty big circuit or square (bus lines inside the square) which has several stops near the metro, rail station, bus stations and tram stops of the neighboring tram circuit.Some tram stations have to be located near bus and metro stations to allow your citizens to switch.Try to reduce the number of crossings with roads.Place tram stations with sufficient distance between them.Another issue was the crossing with roads which triggered traffic jams and interruption with bus lines which are more attractive. I think that’s because I’ve put tram stations too close to each other (which is pretty realistic). Usually, they will require a tram circuit which means you need to dedicate some spaceĪt first, my Cities Skylines tram lines weren’t popular among citizens.Ability to build tracks that don’t interrupt road traffic.Increased capacity as compared to buses (90 pax VS 30 pax in a bus).Let’s compare Cities Skylines trams vs buses: Trams may serve as something between buses and metro or even replace buses in some areas of your city. That’s a great transportation option that appeared in Snowfall DLC. I usually track the least used lines and gradually expand or get rid of them. Don’t forget to rework your bus lines as your city grows.They need to connect several districts of a different kind, schools, monuments, and so on. Now try to build several bus lines not duplicating routes of each other and the metro route.I mean that there should be stations in different types of areas, avoid connecting two residential areas, citizens just don’t travel between them. Build a metro station nearby it should be connected to some line that incorporates stations in residential and commercial districts, near the port, airport, university, park, or any monument.The bus station should be connected to 4- or 6-lane road with dedicated bus lanes.Build bus stations in key parts of your city like near the central train station, airport and so on.To avoid that you need to follow these Cities Skylines bus tips: If you do that by means of buses only then you’ll get traffic jams made of buses which are the opposite of the idea of introducing buses. The late-game problem is that you will want to interconnect too many areas of your city. In the beginning, you just need to place a depot that spawns buses and start building lines that connect your residential areas with commercial zones, schools and universities, parks, and landmarks. But anyway they will remain the base of your city transport at all times.īuses are cheap and easy to manage in this game. However, as your city grows and your traffic increases you will notice that buses aren’t always the answer. When your city is small, it’s enough to have Cities Skylines bus lines only. I have a detailed guide for bus lines here, don’t miss it! Knowing these facts about Cities Skylines public transport hierarchy let’s proceed to the different kinds of transport. Long distances are to be covered by railroad, at the major train stations people should get a transfer to the metro which is good for medium distances and then they should be able to catch a bus to get to the needed point within a block. So, the speed and capacity determine which public transit option is better for this or that situation. Cities: Skylines Public Transport Hierarchy This brings us to the approach you need to use when choosing which public transport to use in different situations. When a citizen has a choice between a train line and a bus line for a long trip across the huge city, he or she will choose a train because it travels faster. To avoid that you need to make all of these people going by bus (it’s better to have 30 people on one bus than in 30 cars) or even metro which even doesn’t interrupt your road traffic. When every citizen takes a car, a transport collapse occurs. When there are no Cities Skylines public transport options, they will travel by car. This City Skylines public transport guide is to help you with choosing the most suitable public transportation options in different parts of the city and provide you with some Cities Skylines public transport tips. At the same time, the huge variety of options makes it complicated to decide which is to be used where. After Snowfall and Mass Transit DLCs’ release, it’s hard to ask for more in regards to public transportation options in your city.